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Get back what belongs to you.

Over time, our relationship to the world we live in has changed. Our lifestyle has accelerated rapidly, our knowledge is condensed and theoretical and we lack valuable, holistic experiences.

In unserer urbanisierten, individualisierten, technisierten und digitalisierten Umgebung verlieren wir schnell einmal Überblick und Orientierung.

This change has led us to distrust ourselves and to follow unquestioningly and impulsively what others, the current trend or our fears tell us.

What we desperately miss is a tangible, natural connection to our surroundings. A resilient relationship to the simple, manageable things in our lives.

"Don't you feel like converting your accumulated knowledge from podcasts, seminars, Blinkists, training courses into real, unique experiences of your own?"

martin roth selbstwirksamkeit

Becoming follows being.

Count on it.
Focus on
We leave out everything superfluous and concentrate on the essentials: distraction-free, pristine nature as the optimal environment for our development. Safe and trusting environment in which everyone can feel comfortable and recognized. Valuable, natural food that leaves us wanting for nothing. And exciting challenges that we can master independently in order to grow from them in a fulfilling way.
The goal of our journey together is enriching encounters. You encounter yourself in a concentrated, meditative and mindful manner, which you can experience with every cell in your body. Within the group you experience lively moments, a precious community. In harmony with our surrounding world, our unique nature, the impressive people on our path, you feel physical resonance. Encounters that make you sing.
We place maximum value on unique, self-created experiences. You walked the path. They make you individual. You have reached the goal. Immeasurably valuable. Nobody took it from you. Unique. You take your unique experiences with you into your life. Priceless.
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martin roth
The unique experiences, enriching encounters and focus on what matters can help give you a variety of advantages, including:
› Evolvement of self-efficacy
› Expression of resilience
› Increase in self-confidence

› Increase in satisfaction
 Strengthening of intuition
 Improvement of motor skills
 Resilience power optimization
 Expression of sensory perception
› Improving the ability to resonate

Our mission is to harness the power of focus on what matters, enriching encounters and to share unique experiences with as many people as possible. That's why we offer a wide range of options to help you get to know and train them.

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